Cosa si intende per integrazione CAD nell’ambito dei moderni progetti di PDM/PLM Globale?
Avere standards definiti prima di partire con una nuova progettazione, avere ambienti pre-impostati sulla base della tipologia di componente che si dovrà creare è il sogno nel cassetto di ogni ingegnere progettista. Gli standards non sono solo i dadi le viti i bulloni… possono essere complessi componenti 3D oppure assiemi aanche di grandi dimensioni. Il riutilizzo dei dati di progetto può diventare una strategia vincente sui tempi di commessa.

A digital platform approach permits to automate repetitive, non-creative design tasks. To note, not only does automation permits significant time and cost savings, it also frees up time for creativity, which allows exploration of a larger part of the design envelope.
PTC Creo of course allows to win the challenge of reducing designing time through design automation, and encourages the use of methods and tools aimed to support designing activities and to re-use the company know-how. Implementing design parameterization methodologies it is possible to automatically complete new parts or assemble new assemblies, only changing parameters and relations with the focus on speeding up the design activities.
Parti standards e componenti a specifica (reuse)
– Mechanical standards: screws, bolts, washers, and so on. These 3D are to be included in a Mechanic Library .
– Electrical standards: connectors, wires, cables, and so on. These 3D models are to be included in an Electrical Library
– Bought components (designated as Engineering Components defined by a specification document)
– Designed components and assemblies, or what designers create by 3D CAD tools.